I have noticed that I have become a bit of a photo snob with my fancy schmancy SLR camera and gear with the super cool bag and whatnot. I might see someone at an event or touristy place and think to myself as they are taking pictures "That composition is gonna be terrible" or "I could do much better with my camera"...
Moments like that make me wonder what the future of point and shoots holds. We are now in a time where a good photo is determined by how many people "like" or comment on it on Facebook. Will we be seeing my "photojournalists" with cameras coming out of their shirt pockets instead of hanging around their shoulder? I know that the sources of where people are getting is shifting from newspaper sites to social networking sites. I think if 9-11 happened in a time like today I probably would have heard about it through a twitter text message of facebook post instead of a news station.
Point and shoots and becoming almost as good as the pro cameras. This means that we as professionals have to really step up our game. People have to be able to immediately know the difference between a myspace/Facebook photo and a professional photo. I think that as of now we have done a pretty good job of that, but there is room for improvement.
The more that I think about it Point and Shoots annoy, entertain and scare me. If I am trying to get a job a paper will the "photographer" with the point and shoot get hired over me because he is cheaper to employ?
Like many questions involving the future of the media. They will probably remain unanswered until the future comes.
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